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July 30, 2014

Midsommar Outfit 1

Hello Lovers,
A lot of my Best Friends are from Sweden, so I try to be there, as much as possible, such a beautiful country. Since I was the last couple of years in the Summer time, always in the US, finally this Year I was able to celebrate Midsommar again in Sweden.

July 21, 2014


Hey Lovers,
So sorry I just post now, but the first week home in NYC was very busy. Meet friends and spend all my time, with my family. But I promise, I will post more often now.

July 5, 2014

Insta London.

Hey Lovers,
I'm sick in bed, so I had a little bit time to blog before I leave for New York. 
When I see all this Pictures, I wanna go straight back, London is just so beautiful in the Summer Time ( well actually always.)