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October 13, 2013


Hello Lovers,
The Minute I saw that Dress I fall madly in Love with it. I was planing to wear it Thanksgiving, well as you can see, I could't wait. 

October 6, 2013


Hey Lovers,
In Germany was election Day and I was still sick, so I went with a beanie and Jumper out. Well of course at this day it was warm and everyone thought I‘m crazy ;)
The color of my clothes are most of the Time a sign how I feel, if I'm sick or not that happy I usually wear grey and black.

October 4, 2013

Insta J

Hello Lovers,
Finally it‘s Friday, babes. My „little“ Brother‘s Birthday is this Weekend, so I have to organize some things. And on Sunday we are all together at the Beach.

October 3, 2013